
Understanding The Impact of Recycling Fuels Our Commitment to Sustainability

Our approach to recycling is driven by a deep understanding of its impact. By keeping millions of pounds of waste out of landfills and recovering valuable materials, we're not just recycling; we're actively contributing to a more sustainable future.

At Shine, sustainability forms the foundation of our operations. With an alarming 400 million electronic units discarded annually in the U.S., we pledge to ensure these devices do not pollute landfills or water bodies.

Key Facts About Recycling

Annually, the U.S. generates 3 million tons of e-waste. Our Zero-Landfill Initiative successfully diverted over 250,000 pounds of plastic, glass, and metals from landfills.

Achieving Zero Landfills

Recognizing e-waste as a growing and toxic threat, we are dedicated to its proper recycling to safeguard our environment and food sources.

Combatting E-Waste

We diligently recover valuable metals like silver and gold from electronic devices, preventing over $100 million worth of resources from being wasted every year

Precious Metal Recovery

Promises for the Future

Responsible Recycling

In partnership with industry leaders, we adhere to the Zero-landfill Initiative through rigorous, independently audited processes that meet the highest industry standards.

Data Sanitization

Prioritizing data security, we implement R2-certified data wiping procedures and physical sanitization that surpass conventional standards.

Ready to work with us?